
is a very rare natural luxury product derived from cashmere goats, considered the finest wool in the world. The goats are not shorn, but only combed once every spring (fur change), gaining around 150 - 350gramm cashmere yarn per goat per year, what makes the material so exclusive. Due to it’s fine fibers, being especially soft and cozy, cashmere regulates the body climate in a natural way, at low weight.

STUDIO 163 exclusively uses cashmere yarns taken from the fluffiest part of the goats - the throats under hair, so called duvet. This yarn has a fiber length of 35 -40mm and a diameter of 0,0145mm, which together with the origin of the goats, is the only indication for a high quality yarn, and provides less pilling and a long-lasting product. Only pure 100% cashmere yarns are processed for STUDIO 163 products, focussing on two thicknesses – 2PLY, a lighter, two-thread composition for milder days and a dense 6PLY grade, spun from six threads and thus offering especially high quality.

Totally pure untreated and undyed cashmere that is sorted and processed into fine yarn directly after the goats have been combed out. In this undyed state it is particularly fine and of the highest quality.

The entire production process from the cashmere goat to the finished STUDIO 163 knitwear takes place in Mongolia. All yarns are obtained from a reputable family-owned spinning, which is processing 100% finest Mongolian cashmere, unmixed and unadulterated.

STUDIO 163 dresses and skirts made of silk, organza or muslin are tailored in Munich. The materials are exclusively sourced from manufacturers in Germany and meet highest Oeko-Tex standards.

Bags and leather accessories are made of high-grade impregnated full-grain cowhide produced in a leather manufactory in Brandenburg, Germany. To maintain the velvety feel of genuine leather, it is left natural and refined with a special oil, giving it its unmistakable character. All hides are treated according to the reach regulation and meet the latest standards of the azo dye regulation and are free of chromium VI.


STUDIO 163’s commitment to fair and sustainable fashion production goes far beyond the process of material extraction or co2 savings measures. This is why collaborating with certified manufacturer partners, production transparency and compliance with the highest Oeko-Tex standards are just as much a matter as fair working conditions and salaries.